Many believe that the sharpness of edible images depends solely on the printer. But this is false. The majority of printers on the market today offer roughly the same performance when it comes to edible printing. There is obviously the quality of the ink used as well as the paper, but apart from that the other very determining element in this equation is the file to be printed itself!
With the
help of the following tips, you will be able to choose the best possible images
and thus ensure the optimization of your edible impression.
So let's
take for example, an image of a turtle. In google Images, you do your research.
Then click on “Tools”
Click on
sizes and large images.
To see the
size of the image, click on it and pass the mouse over the preview that appears
on the right. The pixel dimensions appear in the lower left corner. The higher
the numbers, the better the resolution.
For a full-page letter-size print (8” x 10”), the recommended quality is 1200 by 1500 px. If the image has fewer pixels than this, the quality of the print will obviously be affected. If you have a large image (lots of pixels) and you need it small (example for cupcakes), it's perfect, but if you have an image with few pixels and you need it for a 8'' cake topper, the result will not be pretty (the image will be blurred and if it includes text, it will not be readable).
Once you have found the image that suits you, do not do “Print screen Syst” (printscreen). You must "save as" the image. Be careful not to save the preview! Click on the preview with the right button of your mouse. Select "open image in new tab". A new tab will open with your image. Click on the image with the right button of your mouse and select "save as". Rename the file as needed; select the right place in your computer to save it and click on save.
There it's done! You are now ready to make beautiful prints or send me your images so that I can prepare your print for you!
*Please note that it is not because we find all these images on the internet that they are free of copyright. It is your responsibility to check whether or not you can use or to request use from the owner of the image.
With that,
make a good impression and see you next time!
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